Just $1 a day Changes Lives Forever
Make a difference in families lives with just $30 a month
Learn about our zero cost addiction recovery center Peach Tree Recovery Ranch
Take your First Steps to Freedom
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Just $1 a Day will change a life.
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Welcome to Runners Refuge Ministries.
Runners Refuge is a compassionate ministry dedicated to reaching people in crisis with the love of Jesus Christ through biblical hospitality, prayer, and situational intervention by serving the homeless community, reaching families living in impoverished areas, and serving communities in crisis through long-term disaster recovery programs.
We reach this mission relationally and by building trust, so that we can meet the needs of our outdoor friends and those that are hurting, broken, and needing help. We are able to provide hot meals, clothing, hygiene items, and non-perishable food at our Urban Impact Centers. While we are directly building relationships with our outdoor friends, we are able to find out what is keeping them from being off the streets. We utilize the information that we receive to provide them with the services that they need to help our outdoor friends build sustainable lives off the streets.
Runners Refuge also owns and operates Peachtree Recovery Ranch. Nestled deep in the piney woods of east Texas is a sprawling beautiful 59 acre ranch with rolling hills and beautifully maintained wooded walking paths, a 1.5 acre fishing lake. Also on the ranch is a beautiful antique chapel, a modern dining facility and three dormitories that house up to 40 men and women who are seeking freedom from life controlling issues. Our staff are trained and qualified to help people learn to deal with the struggles they face and handle their life controlling issues from a biblical perspective.
Like all non-profits, we run on volunteers labor. We need people just like you to help us reach out to people on the streets and love them where they are.
QR fundraising is nothing new. It is a way everyone of our friends can help us simply download our QR code to your phone, attach it to your email signature, make it a sticker on your phone. share it with everybody you know and let them know that for just $1 a day they can change someone's life forever. How awesome is that?
You can make a big difference in someone’s life.
Homelessness is not about Home
Homelessness isn't about housing, clothing, food or even a place to sleep. Although, these are essential, Homelessness is about an overwhelming sense of LESS! Less than they want to be, Less than their families want them to be, and less than society thinks they should be. Lessness is embarrassing, lonely, and debilitating. But it doesn't have to be permanent. We believe the real solution to Homelessness isn't found in Housing First models promoted by the government. It is found when housing is provided along with restorative loving, caring, guiding relationships that foster real change in the lives of individuals seeking freedom from the hurts and pains of their past. With this kind of relational intervention we can end the Lessness many of our outdoor friends feel.
Join with Runners Refuge today to bring the kind of relational intervention our friends need. If you are a medical professional, hairstylist, musician, cook, good hugger, or you can just donate $1 a day. There is a place in Runners Refuge for you to make a difference in the life of someone today!
What they are saying about Runners Refuge.
This program changed my life. The things I learned here will be things that will help me be a better man for the the rest of my life. I thank God for bringing me to Peachtree Ranch
Former Client
Runners Refuge Street Church in South Dallas is the best part of my week. It is like a couple of hours where we forget where we actually are and the people are so friendly and kind. They really do love us.
Ms. Rose
There are many programs like Runners Refuge and Peachtree Ranch but none of them start on the street in the homeless encampment and walk the client completely through the recovery process from the encampment all the way to aftercare and beyond. I have never seen anything like this. It is amazing.
Ministry Partner
People rescued off the Streets
Students in Recovery
Meals Served per Week
Monthly Budget
You can sponsor a student at Peachtree Ranch!
Peachtree Recovery Ranch is provided free of charge to our students. They are not charged for room and board. they are not charged for psychiatric care. They are not charged for psychological or pastoral counseling. They are not charged for healthcare visits.
Your faithful continuous sponsorship of students helps us continue to provide care and freedom to students that would otherwise cost them up to $600/day at a for-profit treatment facility. We've never met a homeless person with $600/day to spend on treatment. But if you just gave $1 day you could provide treatment for one of our outdoor friends for one year. Isn't that worth it?
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